
Maxingrowth® | Direct-Response Digital Marketing Agency




Sep 15, 2024

“What’s new with you!?”


Pretty common way to greet someone when you haven’t seen them for a while.⠀


Notice we don’t ask:⠀


“Hey, what’s old?”




“Hey, tell me what I already know”.


We ask what’s NEW because ‘NEW’ is exciting! 


And that’s exactly what your business needs to be if you want to stay ahead. 


This article will show you how to keep your marketing fresh and easily double your sales as a result. 


First, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room…


Social media is awesome in a ton of ways…


Easy access to our market, great potential to go viral, and it’s never been easier to get in front of the perfect prospect for our business. But…




…there are downsides that people rarely think about.


Mainly – attention span. We all know the TikTok brain phenomenon that’s going on. Kids unable to watch movies, concentrate on homework, or even watch a video that’s more than 90 seconds.


I wish that didn’t affect us business owners, but it really does. All of our clients have reduced attention span. Not because they want to. Because they NEED to.


In fact, with ads machine gun firing at you 24/7/365, it’s impossible NOT to! 


This means getting attention today is harder than ever, even if you have the perfect ad. So how do we fix this?


Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do any TikTok dancing (unless that’s your thing. I don’t judge). Here’s a better way…


The solution to TikTok brain and shortened attention span is not turning all of your content into easily digestible catfood chunks of 60 seconds or less.

The solution is to offer a LOT of different content.

There still has to be some depth and quality to it, but the truth is, if a prospect is really interested in your stuff they’ll do their own research.


They’ll go through your materials.


They’ll make it through your content.


But if you want to stand out, and maximize your chances of selling them, it’s up to you to give them a buffet of value. Not just 1 dish.


And here’s the kicker:


Creating more content doesn’t just increase your chances of hooking prospects; It also means capturing more prospects in general. 


Double reach. Double value. Double CHA-CHING.


So if you’re running 1 ad now? It’s time to do at least 3 different ones.


If you have 1 video for them to see in your retargeting campaign? It’s time to do 5-10 variations.


Thank me later,




P.S. If you want to know how I would fix the ad fatigue problem in your business, feel free to get in touch. Fill out the form HERE and one of my team members will be in touch to see if we’re a good match.


Max Masters

Founder & head of growth at Maxingrowth®. Dedicated entrepreneur and marketing specialist based in Columbus. Currently on a mission to make growing a local business easier, quicker, less stressful & more fun - for the thousands of folks who run them every day.

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