
Maxingrowth® | Direct-Response Digital Marketing Agency


Sep 15, 2024

You’ve probably been there…


You crafted the perfect ad, showcasing your product in all its glory, and eagerly hit “publish.” But then…




Still crickets.

Click. *Refresh

Loading…. Annnnnd… still nothing.


Where are the clicks? Where are the leads? What went wrong?


The problem often lies in a little-known ad mistake I like to call the “CTA Symptom.” Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds. In fact, it’s surprisingly easy to fix.


By the time you finish this article, you’ll know exactly how to make your ads impossible to ignore and easy to say “yes” to.


Let’s dive in…


In a previous blog, we talked about why EVERY ad needs to have an offer. (If you haven’t seen it, check it out Here) But here’s the thing…


Most businesses design their offers (And ads) for the mythical “perfect customer”—the one who’s already convinced, wallet out, ready to buy.


But look – that customer is a tiny fraction of your market.


By focusing solely on this group, you’re leaving a lot of potential customers in the dust. And, more importantly, you’re letting your ad budget drain faster than a leaky faucet.


Think of it like this:


Imagine walking into a car dealership, and the salesperson immediately asks you to sign the purchase agreement before you even test-drive the car.


You’d be out of there in a heartbeat, right? The same applies to your ads. Jumping straight to “Buy Now” is like skipping the dating phase and proposing on the first date.


The main culprit here is high action threshold. Here’s what I mean…


If your ad is asking too much from the viewer right away—like making a purchase or signing up for a long-term commitment—you’re going to scare off a lot of potential customers.


Even if they were initially interested, the high action threshold makes potential customers hesitate and move on without taking action. And before you know it…


Poof. They forget about you completely (Insert sad violin music).


The truth is…


Most of your audience isn’t ready to make a big decision on the spot. They need a nudge, not a shove. But there’s an antidote:


To attract more customers, you need to lower that action threshold. In other words, make it easier for people to say “yes” to your offer.


Instead of pushing for an immediate sale, introduce them to your business in a low-risk, high-reward way. Here’s how you do it:


1. Offer an “Intro Offer”

Create an offer that requires minimal commitment.

This could be a free consultation, a discounted trial, or a valuable free resource. The key is to make the offer so enticing and low-risk that saying “yes” feels like a no-brainer.

Example: Let’s say you run a gym. Instead of asking people to sign up for a year-long membership right off the bat, offer a free week of classes. 

This lowers the action threshold and gives potential customers a chance to experience the value you provide without feeling pressured.


2. Craft a Clear, Compelling CTA (Call-To-Action)

Your ad needs to tell people exactly what to do next. But be careful…

A common mistake I see is creating a CTA that’s vague or too demanding.

Your CTA should be direct, simple, and aligned with the introductory offer. Think of it as an invitation rather than a demand.

Lame CTA: “Buy Now!”
Specific CTA: “Get Your Free Week Pass Now”

See the difference? The first CTA is a hard sell, which may turn off many potential customers who aren’t ready to commit. The second is an easy yes—a simple step that opens the door for a deeper relationship.


3. Reduce Risk and Increase Trust

One of the biggest reasons people hesitate to click on ads is fear of the unknown. They’re asking themselves, “What’s the catch?”

Fix this fear by reducing the risk, and more importantly, the perceived risk. Here’s what I mean:

This might include offering a money-back guarantee, free trial, or limited-time discount. Anything that makes your offer feel safe and trustworthy.

Example: If you’re a fashion consultant, offer a “Free 30-minute Styling Session.” 

It’s a low-risk way for potential clients to experience your expertise without any commitment. This simple offer can transform a skeptical viewer into a warm lead.


4. Highlight the Immediate Benefit

When writing your ad, focus on what your customer will gain immediately. 


People are more likely to take action when they see instant, tangible benefits. Here’s an example…


Lame Benefit: “Contact Us for Marketing Services.”
Not-Lame Benefit: “Get a Free Website Audit and Discover How to Increase Your Traffic by 50%”

You see how far more enticing the second option is? 

It speaks directly to a benefit they’ll receive right away, making it easier to say “yes.” But here’s the kicker with all of this…


By creating a low-commitment offer, you’re doing more than just getting people to click on your ad.


You’re beginning a relationship. You’re building trust. You’re guiding them gently down the path to becoming a paying customer. The goal is to move them from cold to warm with as little friction as possible.


Think of your ad strategy as a funnel, not a one-time shot.


You start with a broad audience, offering them something simple and valuable. As they experience what you have to offer, you gradually introduce more involved and pricy offers (Cha-ching).


The more they interact with your brand, the lower the action threshold becomes for making a bigger commitment, like purchasing a product or service.


So, what’s the takeaway?


If your ads aren’t converting, you might be asking too much, too soon. Instead of aiming for the immediate sale, lower the action threshold.


Make it easy for people to say “yes” to your offer by starting with something small, valuable, and low-risk.


Remember, it’s not about pushing for the sale right away– it’s about starting the conversation.


By appealing to a broader audience with an irresistible, easy-to-say-“yes” offer, you’ll fill your doorstep with potential customers who are primed to take the next step with you.


Hope this helps.

Talk soon,



P.S. Want help crafting your irresistible, low-commitment offer, and flooding your doorstep with more leads than you know what to do with?


Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently, and discuss it with you in depth on a call.


No cost, no obligation.


If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard-selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.


Sounds good? Then fill out the form HERE.


Max Masters

Founder & head of growth at Maxingrowth®. Dedicated entrepreneur and marketing specialist based in Columbus. Currently on a mission to make growing a local business easier, quicker, less stressful & more fun - for the thousands of folks who run them every day.

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