
Maxingrowth® | Direct-Response Digital Marketing Agency


April 18, 2024

Anyone who’s run any ads before knows how daunting the process can feel…

The worst part is…online ‘business advice’ pulls you in a bazillion different directions…

“Use a cute baby animal in your ad!”

“No. Stay strictly professional.”

“Repeat your message as much as possible!”

 “Repetition annoys people and make them NOT buy from you!”

AHHHH. Someone please pull my eyelashes out. 

Everything gets so confusing and chaotic, and as you stare at the blinking cursor…

You feel like throwing your Macbook out the window.

This cycle repeats until you finally end up doing what most people do…

Cross your fingers & hope for the best.

How much results do the ads get you? Who knows.

But you aren’t too worried. As long as you’re putting your name out there, that’s all that matters…right?

Well…I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Anyone who tells you that most likely doesn’t know jack about business.


We spend money on things to see direct results.

Doesn’t matter if we’re spending money on equipment, lunch or vendors – we make sure that we get what we pay for, right?

One of the first things I ask clients is how their current advertising is working out for them…

When I was just starting out in business, I used to get the same ‘word salad’ response…

 ‘Well, this ad is for brand name recognition’
‘We’re focused on top of mind awareness in our market’
‘This campaign is set up to solidify our branding and brand positioning’

(This is usually said in a slightly condescending tone designed to make you feel dumb for even asking the question.)

Here’s the ugly truth:

“Most businesses throw away at least half of their marketing budget. Probably much more.”

– And that just didn’t sit right with me.

So I set out to get to the bottom of this…


I began looking for a formula which could predictably spit out effective marketing…again, and again, and again.

The good news? That formula DOES exist, and I’ve cracked the code.

The bad news? It took months of trial and error, puzzling pieces together, and studying to finally discover the working formula.

If I had to write out all the elements of the formula we would be sitting here for weeks, so let me give you one of the best shortcuts I found.

Peter Drucker; November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005. Consultant, professor, and author. Globally renowned for revolutionizing business practices from the mid-20th century onward. His intellectual contributions to management theory earned him the nickname, “father of modern management.”


Some may recognize Drucker’s famous quote:

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

Want to dramatically increase ad results? Make them measurable. 

And the best way to make your ads measurable is to add a response mechanism. 

Specifically…a ‘call to action’ that asks the prospect to do something.

…And then you monitor that action closely.

This way, you can measure. Test. Figure out what works and what doesn’t.

When I begin working with a client, I implement this simple rule:

“Every ad we run needs to be measurable, no exceptions.”

No more jargon. No more vague marketing gobbledygook. Only measurable, tangible, solid results.

There’s plenty of ways to do this and it’s doable for every single business, yours included.

Want to see how Effective Marketing can help to create a steady flow of traffic and new customers for your business?


Max Masters

Founder & head of growth at Maxingrowth®. Dedicated entrepreneur and marketing specialist based in Columbus. Currently on a mission to make growing a local business easier, quicker, less stressful & more fun - for the thousands of folks who run them every day.

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